Huobi Global has unveiled the APENFT token (NFT) as part of the next launch of the Huobi Prime platform. The sale of the NFT token began at 17:45 (MSK) on May 20, 2021. In the first ten minutes of listing, growth was 3800%. Both rounds of Huobi Prime generated the largest response in Southeast Asia, the CIS and Turkey.
The APENFT token, based on the Ethereum and Tron blockchains and the world’s largest distributed storage systems, helps register art objects in the form of NFTs. The project is paving a bridge between artists and the crypto industry to support artists in the NFT marketplace and also make art accessible to everyone.
All Huobi tokens (HT) raised for NFT trading under Huobi Prime will be returned within 3 business days after the end of the event. In other words, the crypto exchange is giving away $64.5 mln in NFT to Huobi Prime attendees in appreciation for their long-term support. Huobi Prime platform relaunch was successful, Huobi Global will continue to roll out premium projects on Huobi Prime.